Being human is hard.
Let your creativity make it easier.

Your creativity is boundless, your imagination is unyielding, and the weight of this world is unrelenting.

If you’re exhausted from the heartbreak of witnessing humankind and infinitely inspired by the beauty of it too, I have many things to offer you.

The Grief Guardian Coloring Book

Color your heartache out.

This coloring book is a guide through the agony of loss. When days feel like years but time stops moving, you'll find easy support in these pages.

Vyana Novus   

I believe we learn about this world through our creativity, and about ourselves through community. That’s the core of my work—creating and relating, in all of the many forms that can take.

Vyana’s expertise and direction allowed me to fully surrender my project into their capable hands, knowing they would bring out the best in every aspect. It’s a privilege to work with someone who can transform ideas into stunning realities.
— Lisa Anderson Shaffer, Zelma Rose
between the veil of reality and infinity.

Current & Previous Clients

Let’s make something beautiful. 

On each project we collaborate on, Vyana takes it to the next level artistically.
— Jess Purple, Photography Collaborator